Milano,Piazza Leonardo Da Vinci。
there is a need for transformation that cannot be overlooked.这是非常有需要的。
there are no easy solutions.没有简单的解决办法。
west push forward.必须向前推进。
we're living in an intense vibrant period of history.我们生活在一个充满活力的历史时期。
and it's becoming increasingly urgent.这变得越来越紧迫。
to plan our country's future.去规划我们国家的未来。
it will take creativity.这需要创造力。
flexibility and technological Wimbyation.灵活性和技术创新。
we need speed and expertise to manage this change.我们需要速度和专业知识来管理这种变化。
at this moment.此时此刻。
Milan's reputation is at an all time high.米兰的声誉空前高涨。
polytechnico is an attractive large.理工学院是一个有吸引力的大型中心。
open laboratory in the heart of Milan.米兰市中心的开放式实验室。
featuring the innovative study programs needed to prepare for new professions.以创新为特色。
and to face new challenges.为新职业做准备所需的学习计划。
the research and experimentation of today.今天的研究和实验。
will illuminate tomorrow.将照亮明天。
we need creativity and intuition.我们需要创造力和直觉。
this is a great opportunity.这是一个很好的机会。
the challenges that lie before us are tough.摆在我们面前的挑战是艰巨的。
now is the time to take our destiny into our own hands.现在是时候掌握自己的命运了。
to seize the day.只争朝夕。
to pioneer the change.开创变革。
we must stay switched on.我们必须保持准备状态。
there is a need for transformation.需要转型。
that cannot be overlooked.这一点不容忽视。